Gimme S'more of That Tiramisu!- aka. Working with Norman's Yogurt

Norman's Yogurt proved to be really easy to work with. Normally, it’s hard to integrate certain ingredients into your favorite foods. The truth is, my biggest challenge with Norman's yogurt was picking one of their amazing flavors to work with. Once I decided to start with the most basic flavor- plain Greek yogurt- moving on from there was easy. The creamy yogurt is super full of flavor and is a great low calorie option for a snack, a meal, or a healthy swap for sour cream.  Now all I had to do was figure out how to make something epic. Easy peasy. Just taking the better of two worlds and mashing them up together in a way that was so epic, I wouldn't even be able to think of a name for it, no sweat.

Inspiration came from two places. My mom, whose favorite dessert is tiramisu and my obsession with anything marshmallow (because who doesn’t love eating anything that’s kind of like eating a huge sugary pillow!). Hence the s’more and tiramisu mashup. To tell you the truth, I hate tiramisu. Soggy crackers, creamy stuff, and coffee in dessert are all stuff I hate. Put em all together an all of the sudden you have reserved yourself a place on my top ten worst foods me, tiramisu is just a mouthful of blah with no texture. I might as well just eat ice cream and save myself the trouble. (Sorry to all you tiramisu lovers out there. (Also, sorry Ma.) So my own private goal when making this dessert was to see if I could change my own mind about tiramisu or if it was totally a lost cause. 

Because I was using Norman's Greek Yogurt, it meant that sorry, not sorry for all of you, but dessert was going to be dairy. Whoohooo! 'Cause dairy desserts always taste way better. (Sorry non-dairy people and vegans) The goal was to center the dessert around the yogurt by mimicking the mascarpone used in tiramisu using a combination of cream cheese and Norman's Greek yogurt. To add the s’more component I added marshmallow fluff to the mix. At first it didn’t really make a difference. It just tasted sweeter. Then! Inspiration struck! A real s’more is toasted, duh! In order to impart that real deal campfire marshmallow flavor it was time to crank up the heat and toast that marshmallow! Viola! Perfect s’more/mascarpone flavor. With a little mini marshmallow action and chocolate chip bite to give it some texture one layer was DOWN!

Now to tackle that soggy ladyfinger layer. Ew. That sentence makes me sad. Ladyfinger-Pesach baby teething food and soggy is just over the top gross. But what if instead of ladyfingers we used graham crackers? OOH I like where this is going! And instead of just a coffee and brandy soak lets add some chocolate cause chocolate always makes things better! Yes, this is good. Way to crank up that s’more action on that tiramisu. With an added bit of chocolate to the coffee soak and swapping the brandy for chocolate liqueur that soggy sadness in the middle of the tiramisu just got a whole lot more happy. Happy happy happy!!!

Now put it all together and what do you get?

This beautiful, epic and delicious Thing that I could not even name!! And it only took a taste to make me a believer! All of the sudden I was a changed woman because this s’more- a- misu, tira-smore whatever the name is was amazing. With the new added chocolate and marshmallows for texture and wonderful s’more flavors added to the classic Italian tiramisu it seemed like every problem was fixed and the good just got better. 

All that was left was the name. If you feel like you can step up to the challenge and name this beauty go to Norman's Dairy's Instagram page and follow the instructions in order submit your entry. Then run to your kitchen and make this recipe! Run! Its deliciousness cannot wait any longer! 

Please Note: Though I have been compensated for the use of this product, all opinions are my own.

©2015 CookingInHeelss